Guest Op-Ed: Rethinking Gigawatt Scale—Is Bigger Still Better in the USA?
The End of Magical Thinking and the Need for 24/7 Guest Op-Ed: Rethinking Gigawatt Scale—Is Bigger Still Better in the USA? Generated by ChatGPT, which used as much power to make this as it would take to completely charge your cellphone. Can it be possible that the hottest nuclear reactor design in the United States right now is not a sexy Small Modular Reactor (SMR) or an exotic advanced reactor but a BBR: Big Boring Reactor? Specifically, I’m talking about Westinghouse’ flagship AP1000 reactor. I and a few other nuclear activists have been jumping up and down about how in the wake of the Vogtle build in Georgia finally coming on line, we need to turn around and build more AP1000s. I’m also used to these entreaties falling on deaf ears. For so long the chorus for new-builds in the US was “Small Modular Reactors and Advanced only.” I certainly did not have Jigar Shah, Director of the Loan Program Office (LPO) at the Department of Energy tweeting about a recent surge in int...