Wind industry confirms Great Green Lie

 Campaign group Net Zero Watch says that the wind industry has effectively admitted that it has been deceiving the British public over the cost of the energy “transition”. RWE Renewables has just told the Government that it needs its subsidy “strike price” to rise by 70% if any more wind farms are to be built.

Net Zero Watch director Andrew Montford said:

“Rishi Sunak has said that there has been a long-term deception of the British public. RWE’s demand for more subsidy confirms it. The Green Blob has been lying about renewables costs for years. The truth is that wind power is expensive, and becoming more so. The energy “transition” is a transition to poverty, but few in Westminster seem to have the guts to say so.”

Notes for editors

For many years, the wind industry has claimed that they had seen a dramatic fall in costs, and signing “Contracts for Difference” (CfDs) to deliver power at extraordinarily low prices. This was subsequently revealed as a scam, with windfarms refusing to activate CfD contracts, and making hundreds of millions in windfall profits as a result.

The Government’s decision to close this loophole led to the complete failure of the last CfD auction.

RWE’s demand for a dramatic increase in the subsidy shows that the industry is now being forced to make bids that better reflect the true costs of windfarms.

Wind industry confirms Great Green Lie (


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