easy to see energy generation data at electricitymaps.com
An interesting source of near real time comparative data for electric power generation is electricitymaps.com.
The site is easy to navigate – almost like Google Earth. You can see electric power generation in every US state and Canadian province, and most of the countries of the world where data is available, just by moving a mouse across a map.
Here is a screen shot from the app taken a few moments ago. It shows data from New York – i.e., the NYISO
This afternoon 22% of NY’s power is coming from renewables. But Electricitymaps.com counts hydroelectric generation as renewable. The NYISO site separately shows that wind power is doing very little in NY this afternoon and solar is doing essentially nothing. Nuclear power is considered “low-carbon” by Electricitymaps.
So – as seen here: this afternoon 47% of NY’s electricity is nuclear power generated, and 22% is hydro generated with a touch of wind added.
Natural gas, as with most days and nights in NY – during all four seasons – is the leading power source for electricity generation.
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